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DocumentationAll necessary documentation is in the INSTALL file of the main distribution.Additional information can fe found in the FAQ. Recommended server platform is RedHat 7.3, since all development and production servers in use by the NRH team are of this release. NRH-up2date will work in RedHat 8.0, but the NRH development team does not consider 8.0 a viable server platform, in addition to results of benchmarks that show, that all rpm-related actions are 3-4 times slower on RedHat 8.0 than on 7.3 . While using RedHat 8.0 you should also expect hangs of rpm related operations, the description of the problem is in RedHat's bugzilla, bug id 73097. RedHat 9 is not much better in this area - bug id 88720 Update 4-JAN-2004 : NRH-up2date was tested as server and client on RHES 3. Python and perl modules are rebuilt and provided for this platform. |