Bugs reporting : Please direct problem reports to the mailing list : Subscribe at http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/nrh-up2date-users, send to nrh-up2date-users@lists.sourceforge.net When reporting bugs, please give me as much info as you can, starting from the error messages you got, if any, and continuing with : What nrh-up2date XMLRPC cgi version do you use (look at the start of the file)? What RH distributios are the server and the client ? (The server of course should be RH 7.3, just making sure that you read the docs...) What up2date client versions is on the server and the client ? How did you create the data repository for the server ? Additional info will help : The access and error log (if relevant) of apache while the client accesses the server . ls -l of the directory where the packages downloaded (gzipped preferably ;) httpd.conf (full or just the interesting parts) If you have a problem with NRH, there isn't much i can do unless i have a full tcpdump of the client-server session. Please do the following to create one : tcpdump -X -s 2000 -w /tmp/session-dump Run up2date the full connect cycle (or if it hangs in an infinite loop, break out of it after 30 seconds), and the result will be in a file /tmp/session-dump. Please make that file available on your server, so it could be downloaded, and send the link in your bug report to the list, or, if you don't have a server to place the file on, send it to me directly, devel-dump@nrh-up2date.org . Please send only that file to me, all additional discussion should be conducted on the list, so others could also benefit from your experience. A more direct communication through icq or irc could also steamline debugging process. If you can, provide your icq number or where i can find you on irc... If course, if you can give me access to that machine where the server is installed this process can be shortened - i promise to behave :) Alex K.